
Bienvenue, ouvrons ensemble votre compte.

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Politique de Confidentialité et Protection des Données Personnelles

Date d'entrée en vigueur : 01/01/2024

1. Collecte et Utilisation des Données Personnelles

Lorsque vous vous inscrivez sur notre site, nous collectons les informations suivantes :

Nous utilisons ces informations pour :

Nous ne collectons pas sciemment des données personnelles sensibles telles que des informations sur votre origine raciale ou ethnique, vos opinions politiques, vos croyances religieuses ou philosophiques, votre appartenance syndicale, votre santé ou votre orientation sexuelle.

2. Partage des Données Personnelles

Nous ne vendons, n'échangeons ni ne louons vos informations personnelles à des tiers sans votre consentement explicite. Nous pouvons partager vos informations personnelles avec des tiers dans les situations suivantes :

3. Sécurité des Données Personnelles

Nous prenons des mesures raisonnables pour protéger vos informations personnelles contre la perte, l'utilisation abusive, l'accès non autorisé, la divulgation, l'altération ou la destruction. Cependant, aucune méthode de transmission sur Internet ou de stockage électronique n'est totalement sécurisée, et donc nous ne pouvons garantir une sécurité absolue.

4. Vos Choix et Droits

Vous avez le droit de demander l'accès à vos informations personnelles que nous détenons, de les corriger, de les mettre à jour ou de les supprimer. Vous pouvez également vous opposer au traitement de vos données personnelles, limiter leur utilisation ou demander leur transfert. Vous pouvez exercer ces droits en nous contactant.

De plus, vous avez la possibilité de consulter et de modifier vos informations personnelles directement dans votre profil utilisateur sur notre site web.

5. Modifications de la Politique de Confidentialité

Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier cette Politique de Confidentialité à tout moment. En cas de modification, la date d'entrée en vigueur sera mise à jour. Nous vous encourageons à consulter régulièrement cette page pour rester informé de nos pratiques en matière de confidentialité.

6. Contact

Si vous avez des questions, des préoccupations ou des commentaires concernant cette Politique de Confidentialité ou nos pratiques en matière de protection des données, veuillez nous contacter à contact@highfivelabs.org.

Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de lire notre Politique de Confidentialité.

En utilisant notre site, vous consentez à notre Politique de Confidentialité et à nos pratiques en matière de collecte et de traitement des données personnelles décrites dans cette Politique.

Nous nous engageons à protéger vos données personnelles et à maintenir votre confiance.

Dernière mise à jour : 15/03/2024


  1. Opening hours

  2. Administrative frame

    Everyone willing to have access to the platform has to define its needs with the engineer team of the technological plateform then to formalize its needs (access frequency, use of particular machines or specific use of any instruments…).

    Anyone not belonging to an IPGG research team has to sign an access contract (free or controlled access) with the IPGG administration. This contract needs to be signed prior any entry at the platform by the user’s administration.

  3. Access rights

    To access the facilities and equipments, it is necessary to:

    • Attend this mandatory session organized by the IPGG engineers to discuss the rules of the platform every Monday at 2:00pm.

    • Sign the “User” card attached to the internal rules.

    • When you know what are the equipment or process you will be using, request a training by a super-user of your entity. If you don’t know who your super user is or if the super user is non- existent, ask a platform engineer.

    • Follow the rules regarding the access and use for each equipment or areas (https://plateau- ipgg.wiki.espci.fr/index.php/Wiki_of_the_Technological_Platform).

    • Consult the equipment’s availability using the online booking system and always refer your name and your team (or entity):

      • Some equipments will ask for further details such as quantity, type of substrate: These fields are mandatory.

      • You will have the freedom to fill up the support field with the name of the engineer who could be with you especially if it is a training or particular help

      • You will have the freedom to fill up the Projet/Prestation field with your project name to get a better follow up your realisation.


    → You can access the Système de réservation de salles with your intranet IDs if you are belonging to ESPCI / ENS / Curie Institute / Chimie ParisTech.

    → If you don’t have an access to the ESPCI intranet, send an email at plateforme-ipgg@psl.eu with your name and affiliation.

    It is necessary to warn the platform team for cancellation of booking 24 hours ahead of the planned time by email at plateforme-ipgg@psl.eu.

  4. Safety and security

    The following rules must always be followed in all of the platform’s rooms:

    • Follow the specific dressing code and entrance procedure in cleanroom and greyroom respecting the ISO norms. Please always ask a super-user or a platform engineer the first entering time.

    • Work in accordance with the safety rules of the platform by using individual and collective

      protective equipment (as defined by the French “Code du Travail”).

    • Work in accordance with the rules defined in the user manuals for each equipment.

    • Discuss any “non-standard” procedure with an IPGG engineer before starting, especially if using chemicals labelled with a danger pictogram or mechanical, optical or electrical equipment which can harm the user.

    • Fill in the equipment form for the facilities which have one.

    • Tell one of the engineers about malfunctions or if something is broken.

    • Leave the lab perfectly clean for the next users.

    • Dispose of the waste in the bins and cans present in each room and take out the trash when necessary (in accordance with the rules set by the company in charge of waste disposal).

    • Do not take any product or equipment in or out of rooms without authorization.

    • Do not drink or eat.

    • Participate regularly in the platform’s monthly cleaning sessions, which are held the last

    Thursday of each month between 10am and 12pm.

    Failure to observe these rules may result in the exclusion of the user.

  5. Papers

    Any paper referring to studies realized on the platform or using platform equipment must systematically quote the EQUIPEX in the Acknowledgments: “This work benefited from the technical contribution of the joint service unit CNRS UAR 3750. The authors would like to thank the engineers of this unit (and in particular Mr or Mrs XX YY) for their advice during the development of the experiments.”

    Any study or research in which in, the platform engineers have participated actively and exceeding “service” activities will lead to a common paper or shared use of the technology, after agreement between the head of the laboratory and the engineers of the platform.

  6. Intellectual property

    Knowledge, know-hows hold by the user prior any activity on the platform remains to the sole property of the user.

    Knowledge, know-hows hold by the platform engineers prior any activity on the platform remains to the sole property of the platform.

    For the realised activities, property and confidentiality rules are precised in the contract signed with the user (cf. paragraphe 2- Administrative frame).

  7. Entrance fees

    An entrance fee is valid for one person and one hour.

    It is counted for every booking for any equipment or area on the booking system.

    Additional cost will be applied depending of the process. A pricing catalogue is available online. In case of free access contract, trimestrial bilan will be performed.

    In case of controlled access contract, the number of hours will be discounted along the way. Details on rates on request (Those are specified on the signed contract or accepted quotation)

  8. In the event of an accident

In case of a heart attack, if the person doesn’t breathe, use the defibrillator located at the

reception desk and follow the audio instructions.